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The Glen Croe Land Management Plan area (PDF 1.9MB) was approved by Forestry Commission Scotland on 25 January 2019, following consultation with a range of of stakeholders. The plan is valid for a period of 10 years and is therefore due for revision in 2029.

Glen Croe LMP area covers a total of 3082 Ha, over half of which is open hill ground. Elevation ranges from near sea level to 926m. The plan area lies entirely within the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park and includes the popular and iconic hills of the "Arrochar Alps". The main A83 trunk road climbs through Glen Croe itself to its summit at the Rest and Be Thankful which offers fine views back down the glen.

The earliest planting took place in the 1920s and the forest was established with timber production as a priority. Timber production will remain an important objective but already the woodland area is increasing in diversity as sections are felled and restocked with a variety of tree species and objectives in mind. This plan sets out current objectives and describes, in some detail, how these will be achieved over the next ten years. Proposals for the following decades are considered in less detail.

2023 UPDATE: Following the rapid spread of the Larch disease, Phytophthora ramorum, and subsequent Statutory Plant Health Notices served in Glen Croe Forest, a number of amendments to the approved felling coupes were submitted to and approved by our regulator, Scottish Forestry. These involved new or reshaped felling coupes being introduced to the plan where Larch spp. were present, and others coupes being delayed where Larch spp. were absent. In addition, a number of thinning coupes have been identified where Larch spp. can be selectively removed, with a quantity of other species, without clearfelling. This felling work has been ongoing.A link to an updated map illustrating the amended Land Management Plan can be found below. Please note only the coupes marked in red (Phase 1) and orange (Phase 2) are approved for clearfell in this plan. Thinning coupes are highlighted with grey hatching.

Glen Croe Amended Felling Map

Land management plan documents and maps



Appendix Maps


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