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The Kilmichael Land Management Plan (LMP) covers 8,790ha and is located in Argyll on the eastern fringe of Lochgilphead. The plan area extends to the north along the east side of Kilmichael Glen and to the east as far as Minard and the shores of Loch Fyne. The plan area comprises the main Kilmichael Block (7701ha) and the smaller blocks of Kilmory (594ha), Ardcastle (326ha) and Minard Castle (169ha) lying along the southern and eastern fringe of the Kilmichael Block.

The forest margins play an important role in providing a recreational resource for communities in the area and provide a diverse landscape backdrop to the A83 which is a major tourist route. The central area of the forest has lower visual impacts and provides a valuable sustainable timber resource with the good road network also facilitating wider recreational activity.

The LMP area is well suited to the delivery of multiple benefits and the LMP objectives include: high volume sustainable timber production and carbon sequestration; landscape & recreational enhancement; maintenance of water quality; restoration of ancient woodland sites and habitat enhancement to benefit a range of important species on both the land and river system.

The plan for Kilmichael was approved by Perth and Argyll Conservancy on 30th March 2021. The plan expires on 29th March 2031.

Documents and maps

Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions about this plan, please contact:

Jeni West
Forestry and Land Scotland
PA31 8RS


Phone: 0131 370 5672