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This plan is for the Maud and Carnoch forest blocks. The purpose of the plan is to set out management objectives and prescriptions for the forest for the next ten years in detail, and in more broad terms for the following twenty years, which will fulfil the requirements of the UK Forestry Standard.

The primary objective for the woodlands is to manage them to provide a sustainable supply of timber. The plan includes details of thinning, clear felling and restocking that is planned for the plan period.

The hill of Maud is a clearly prominent and visible low wooded hill in a wide landscape of rolling hills. It is surrounded by farmland interspaced with small scale forested areas and neighbours privately owned large scale forestry plantation. Designing the forest blocks has taken all of the above into account.


During the development of the land management plan for Maud and Carnoch we have consulted publicly including with local community representatives and stakeholders known to have an interest in the plan area.

The plan has been approved and is now active. It is due to be renewed in June 2030.

Documents and maps

Get in touch

If you would like further information, please contact:

Mark Reeve
Planning forester
Forestry and Land Scotland
Portsoy Road
AB54 4SJ


Phone: 07990 802879