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West Strathyre Land Management Plan (LMP) (PDF 1.98MB) was approved by Forestry Commission Scotland on 25th July 2017 following consultation with a range of stakeholders. The plan is valid for a period of ten years and is due for revision in 2027.

The LMP area covers the western slopes of Strathyre between Kilmahog in the south and Balquhidder in the north. The summit of Ben Ledi at 879m overshadows the forest and the lowest point is in the Pass of Leny at about 80m. The forested area is dominated by Sitka spruce but there are a number of other conifer and broadleaved species and a variety of open ground habitats; the total area is 2915ha.

The plan builds on the approach of two previous plans with restoration of Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) and use of Continuous Cover Management (CCF) systems being key priorities. At the same time, timber production, landscape, recreation, biodiversity and slope stability will all benefit from the management proposals outlined in the plan.

Read a brief summary of the plan (PDF 21KB) or download the full text, maps and visualisations below.

Documents, maps and visualisations

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