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The role of the Executive Leadership Team is to collectively lead on our vision, strategy, performance and organisational health.

These responsibilities are taken forward through:

  • leading on our coherent overall vision and strategic priorities,
  • leading organisational transformation to ensure we're sustainable and fit for the future,
  • mutual accountability for delivery of our corporate responsibilities, including corporate and annual business plans,
  • allocation of resources for long-term organisational health,
  • ensuring that we're a safe, healthy and nurturing workplace.

We are

Kevin Bio

Kevin Quinlan - Chief Executive

As CEO, Kevin is committed leading the agency on a wide range of environmental, social benefits and economic benefits for Scotland.  With a range of public, private and third sector appointments, Kevin brings a wealth of expertise and knowledge on environmental policy, climate change mitigation and adaption, in addition to trade and export, and delivering economic development advisory programmes in emerging markets. 

Kevin’s previous roles include Scottish Government Director of Environment and Forestry; Director of International Trade and Investment, and working for the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Department. He began his career with PricewaterhouseCoopers and later worked for Oxfam GB, as well as in consulting. He is a fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland and holds an MBA from Warwick University.

Michael Hymers, Director of Corporate Services

Michael Hymers - Director of Corporate Services

Michael has over 20 years’ experience leading and managing corporate and operation forestry delivery services, including the establishment of our capability as a standalone agency of Scottish Government. Our Corporate Services Directorate is responsible for Finance; People Team and Organisational Development; Corporate and Business Planning; Portfolio/ Project Management Office; Change Management; Communications, Brand and Media; Corporate Governance and Assurance; and managing FLS’s relationship with others. As a second-generation forester he has previously held a number of forest management and leadership roles, including managing a Direct Production Harvesting fleet and as a Forest District Manager.

A head shot of a man in front of trees

David Leven - Director of Commercial Development

David leads on generating value from land agency, estate development, renewable energy, visitor services and natural capital. He also leads on achieving best value from our procurement activity. David was previously a Regional Manager in the East of Scotland where he oversaw delivery of all aspects of FLS’ operations.  Prior to this he spent over 25 years working in Government and with business and industry on land use planning and development, economic development, and international trade and investment.

Graeme Prest, North Regional Manager

Graeme Prest - Director of Land Management and Regions

Graeme has over 30 years’ experience of leading and managing operational delivery in both Scotland and England, including most recently Scotland’s forests and land in our North Region. Our Land Management and Regions Directorate is responsible for national land management services including Planning and Environment; Technical Services; Marketing and Sales; Visitor Attraction; and accountable for operational delivery across our five regions.

This includes protecting and maintaining the forests, working with others on award winning projects and initiatives on natural regeneration and peatland restoration, and co-ordinating all aspects of forest management to contribute to Government objectives. His particular interest and passion is nature conservation and connecting people with the natural environment.

Graeme Hutton, Director of Net Zero

Graeme Hutton - Director of Net Zero

Graeme leads on transforming our infrastructure, balancing our net zero and financial sustainability aspirations: reviewing our buildings, streamlining our fleet, harnessing technology and enabling business process re-engineering. Technology will not determine the change required, as this will remain business-led, however it will be a core enabler to it. Graeme, a qualified accountant, has previously worked for the Scottish Government Rural Economy Directorate, the Scottish Prison Service Agency and the National Health Service.


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