Ospreys and eagles come home to roost

Our bird blogs are back in action for 2019! Things are already getting interesting, with two eggs delivered by regular Tweed Valley resident osprey Mrs O. and her partner SS, while our beloved Aberfoyle osprey Clarach has also been seen mating with her partner - we’re sharing news from that nesting site on The Lodge’s Facebook page. The mating season is now in full swing, so we can expect more romance and tragedy from our feathered friends as spring turns to summer.
The Mull Eagle Watch blog is also back up and running, with new chicks expected from at least one of their breeding pairs. You can follow along with the journey to their hatching day at the blog, or even better, book yourself in for a tour!
Unfortunately, it’s not all good news. Last year’s Tweed Valley hatchlings, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, sadly did not survive their first year’s migration.
Please stand by...
We've once again been beset with some technical issues on our live feeds at each location this year, from fogged lenses to downed transmitters. We apologise for the intermittent availability of these - we’re doing everything in our power to get them back up and running reliably as soon as we can.
As our resident osprey blogger Diane Bennett writes, “It is an incredible feat of technical wizardry that allows us to view these birds, involving large distances of wireless data transmission over hills and valleys. Several masts on the hilltops need to be aligned to send signals point to point, while a power supply using solar and wind, because of the remoteness of the nest sites, adds to the difficulty of maintaining constant images.” With our technical team working on solutions, we hope to have live images back up soon - thanks for your patience in the meantime!
It is an incredible feat of technical wizardry that allows us to view these birds.
- Diane Bennett, Tweed Valley Osprey Project
Don’t worry about missing too much. Very soon, over at our brand new YouTube channel, we’ll share some highlights from the Tweed Valley cameras - keep an eye peeled on this blog for some fascinating clips.
For now, check out the links below for the latest news from our nesting sites, and let us know if you make any sightings near you, or when you visit the forest!