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We're still assessing the impact of Storm Eowyn; surveying the extent of the damage takes time for our staff to complete. Please continue to check the website for updates and follow all onsite signage.

A person in safety gear in a harvesting site measuring a tree with a harvester in the background

We currently have a fleet of 22 machines which are operated by skilled staff who work in all kinds of conditions to ensure our FSC certified timber gets cut in the most efficient, safe, and sustainable way possible. 

Harvesters are equipped with large mechanical heads that cut and process the trees into logs. These logs are then moved to the forest roadside by forwarders before they’re picked up and brought to the sawmills by timber lorries.

The harvester head grapple clamps onto the tree, it then uses a large, incorporated chainsaw to cut it near the base. The cut tree is then fed through the head at which time the branches are removed, and the trunk is measured. This measured information is sent to the onboard computer in the cab of the machine where our operators need to assess the stem and make sure it’s being cut into products in the most efficient way. This is all done in a matter of seconds, and sometimes in very rough terrain. The computer records the cumulative volume that is cut by the machine, providing valuable data on our timber crops.

To ensure this process is working efficiently, the harvester head needs to be calibrated frequently. This critical procedure is done by hand with the operator using a digital calliper connected to the computers in the machine. It allows the machine to remain accurate when optimising the size of timber that it’s cutting.


A person in safety gear measuring a felled tree
Operator using the digital calliper to measure the width of the tree.

When the operator fells and processes a tree, they then measure the cut sections and run the calliper along the trunk. This is done the entire length of the tree and the information is communicated back to the harvester using Bluetooth. The computer uses this data to see if it matches the measurement taken by the head of the harvester when the tree was felled. The machine can be adjusted to ensure it is giving us the most accurate information possible. 

Calibrating the machines is part of the operators’ regular duties and is usually done every 1000 cubic metres. On average we cut around a quarter of a million cubic meters of timber a year, so this process is repeated hundreds of times a year. 


The process of calibration is an important part of how our teams not only communicate what they are processing but allows them to cut the timber in the most efficient way for our customers. 

Often our operators are cutting timber for a specific order. Working closely with our customers allows us to make the most out of the timber and ensure we are providing the best quality to the market. 

All our timber is produced sustainably under FSC guidance.