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Forestry and Land Scotland’s team in the central belt is asking members of the public to report any suspicious activity in local forests.

The call comes after a number of incidents where padlocks have been broken and removed as a precursor, it is thought, to more serious criminal activity.

Carol McGinnis, FLS Central Region manager, said;

“We have had several instances recently of damage to padlocks that give us reason to believe that criminals have targeted high value assets in our forests such as machinery and fuel.

“Over the last two weeks we have had damage done at four of our sites. Three padlocks were damaged, which could be a precursor to further unauthorised access, and locks were broken and tools stolen from a contractor’s harvester at another location.

“We cannot have staff on the ground everywhere and at all times so we would appreciate help from visitors who might see suspicious activity.

“Theft of equipment and fuel clearly would have a practical and financial impact on our ability to do our job managing Scotland’s forests.

“If anyone does see anything untoward in any of the woodlands we manage, please report it to Police Scotland on 101, or if more serious 999.”

The sites affected over the weekend of 30/31 July are Camilty, Woodmuir, Heathland and Benhar.

Police Scotland has been made aware of the incidents.


Notes to editors

  1. Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) manages forests and land owned by Scottish Ministers in a way that supports and enables economically sustainable forestry; conserves and enhances the environment; delivers benefits for people and nature; and supports Scottish Ministers in their stewardship of Scotland's national forests and land.

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  3. Media enquiries to Paul Munro, Media Manager, Forestry and Land Scotland Media Office 07785 527590 or