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Forestry and Land Scotland’s Fife based team is asking residents in Oakley (Fife) to help put a stop to vandalism in the area.

The call comes after some vegetation at Blairhouse was deliberately set on fire and a culvert damaged.

This caused a blockage that caused water to back up, which when the pressure had built up to a high level, was released and washed out the forest road.

Yvonne Grieve, FLS Planning Manager in the area, said;

“There have been some issues in the past and the previous site owner worked with the community council to address them but anti-social behaviour seems to be picking up again.

“Unfortunately, the damage done from this senseless behaviour means that we have to divert our limited resources into making repairs.

“This can be a costly exercise and puts at risk activities such as path repair and maintenance, planting new trees and putting up deer fencing to protect the young trees.

“It’s the community that loses out in the long run so we’d appreciate a bit of help in dealing with this.

“If anyone witnesses vandalism or has any information regarding incidents, we’d encourage them to pass it on to Police Scotland on the 101 number.”

Previous incidents at the site have included fences being vandalised and even a physical assault on a security guard.

Equipment moved on to the site to effect repairs has already been checked out by potential thieves but state of the art security systems deterred the trespassers, who left empty handed.


Notes to editors

  1. Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) manages forests and land owned by Scottish Ministers in a way that supports and enables economically sustainable forestry; conserves and enhances the environment; delivers benefits for people and nature; and supports Scottish Ministers in their stewardship of Scotland's national forests and land.

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  3. Media enquiries to Paul Munro, Media Manager, Forestry and Land Scotland Media Office 07785 527590 or