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Environment Minister, Mairi McAllan, today welcomed the launch of Forestry and Land Scotland’s Climate Change Plan.

Centred on the themes of Adapt, Reduce, Capture the plan outlines how FLS will boost its contribution to Scotland’s response to the global climate emergency.

As well as highlighting actions that FLS has already implemented, it illustrates how FLS will enhance how it manages Scotland’s forests sustainably. The aim is for Scotland’s forests to maximize their environmental, economic and social contribution.

Ms McAllan, said;

“As a fully engaged partner in this shared national endeavour, Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) is already contributing significantly towards mitigating the twin emergencies of climate change and nature loss.

“As well as woodland creation, peatland restoration, and facilitating the generation of renewable energy, it sustainably manages Scotland’s national forests to produce timber – always replanting more than is harvested. And this is all done in a way which balances Scotland’s economic, social and environmental objectives.

“However, being well placed to enhance its contribution to Net Zero, the commitments in this Climate Change Plan highlight that FLS is rolling up its sleeves and getting on with the task at hand.”

FLS will continue to enhance its work in key areas of forestry so that Scotland’s forests and land contribute more towards climate action. Its conservation management will -

  • reduce biodiversity loss and carbon loss
  • increase productive and native woodland creation and
  • capture - and store - more carbon emissions.

Planting more productive forests and delivering more from its sustainable forest management programme will -

  • help to reduce pressure on native woodland resources
  • help limit emissions arising from importing timber and
  • increasingly help to reduce the use of carbon-dense materials such as concrete, steel and plastic.

FLS will also build on its 30 years of landscape-scale adaptation experience.  In iconic landscapes across Scotland, FLS is 

  • reducing the pressures on forests from deer and invasive species
  • diversifying tree species and forest structure and
  • diversifying seed provenance to help make ecosystems more resilient and better able to cope with the stresses arising from a changing climate.

By pursuing innovation and new ways of working FLS is also reducing emissions from its business. Measures outlined in the plan include replacing petrol and diesel vehicles with electric equivalents, making buildings more energy efficient, working with suppliers and contractors to reduce the emissions from the goods and services they supply and the works they undertake.


Notes to editors

  1. Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) manages forests and land owned by Scottish Ministers in a way that supports and enables economically sustainable forestry; conserves and enhances the environment; delivers benefits for people and nature; and supports Scottish Ministers in their stewardship of Scotland's national forests and land.

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  3. Media enquiries to Paul Munro, Media Manager, Forestry and Land Scotland Media Office 07785 527590 or