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Six new non-executive advisers have been appointed to strengthen the work of the new agencies, Scottish Forestry and Forestry and Land Scotland, which were established on 1st April this year.

The advisers have been chosen for their specific experience and expertise in a range of corporate skills to add to the agencies’ current breadth and depth of forestry and land management expertise.

Welcoming the appointments, Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing said:

“Forestry in Scotland has entered a new and exciting era. The creation of two new agencies to take forward forestry and land management will play a key role in providing greater environmental, economic and social benefits.

“I’d very much like to welcome the new advisers into the Scottish Government and their roles in the new agencies. Their specialist skills and advice will be invaluable in helping driving forward a modern and successful forestry sector.”

The non-executives’ role will be to provide advice and strategic guidance to the two Chief Executives on the running of each organisation.

Three non-executives have been appointed for each agency:

Forestry and Land Scotland

  • Lisa Tennant: Ms Tennant brings varied public and private sector experience and has served on numerous Boards. She is currently a board member of NHS Ayrshire and Arran, the Energy and Communications Ombudsman and the Scottish Land Fund. She has also been appointed as an Ambassador for Women on Boards.
  • Mark Pountain: Mr Pountain’s career spans service with the army, private, public and third sectors and includes international experience, business and management consulting. He has recent experience as a non-executive for Forestry Commission England.
  • Pamela Zielinski: Ms Zielinski has international business experience including senior HR and Sustainability expertise at HSBC, SSE, Diageo, Carillion and teaching at the University of Stirling. She is currently working as a coach and consultant in Organisational Development and Sustainability.

Scottish Forestry

  • Phil Taylor: Mr Taylor is a former Director-level civil servant with a long experience in the Home Office and UK Border Agency. He is currently working in a non-executive role in the third sector and mentors disadvantaged children in Glasgow.
  • Helen Langan: Formerly a Director and currently working as a business coach, she has considerable experience in organisational change in the public and private sectors, working in or with organisations such as Barclays UK, Royal Bank of Scotland, NHS, Nintendo and Marks & Spencer.
  • James Stuart: Mr Stuart has a strong entrepreneurial background and is a former Managing Director and experienced non-executive. Having originally served in the Army, he has run businesses and was a lead contributor to Glasgow Festival 2014 supporting the Commonwealth Games. He is a member of the Strategic Leadership Group for Scottish Tourism and Convener of Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority.

New arrangements for forestry came into place on 1st April 2019 when both Forestry and Land Scotland and Scottish Forestry were established.

Notes to editors

  1. The non-executives will be remunerated at a rate of £250 per day plus expenses and will commit to 20 days per year to the work. Their appointments are for three years.
  2. Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) was established as an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government on 1 April 2019, following completion of the devolution of forestry as a result of the Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act 2018. It replaces Forest Enterprise Scotland.
  3. The purpose of FLS is to manage forests and land owned by Scottish Minsters in a way that supports and enables economically sustainable forestry; conserves and enhances the environment; and delivers benefits for people and nature. FLS may manage other forested and non-forested land by arrangement, as set out in the Act.
  4. The primary focus of FLS, in delivering its purpose, is to support Scottish Ministers in their role as leaders of Sustainable Forest Management and Sustainable Development through their stewardship of Scotland's national forests and land.
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  6. Media enquiries to Paul Munro, Media Manager, Forestry and Land Scotland Media Office 0131 370 5059 or