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Anyone with an interest in how Forestry and Land Scotland’s Glenwhan site, around 9 km east of Stranraer, is managed over the next 20 years is invited to take part in a consultation and give their views. 

This third generation Land Management Plan being developed for the site includes details of how FLS intends to manage the site until 2030, as well as indicative plans for the 10 years after that. 

The proposals include the intention to establish the site with a mixture of conifer and broadleaf species that will help meet a range of objectives - from priority habitat retention and enhancement to productive forestry.  

Stephen Stables, planning forester with the local FLS team, said; 

“Glenwhan is a relatively isolated plantation block essentially bounded by the main Stranraer to Ayr railway line to the east and a mixture of open hill ground and agricultural land elsewhere. 

“This is a working forest that has reasonable access from the existing forest road network. We have an opportunity with this plan to enhance the existing fragmented broadleaf woodland with further native broadleaf species to provide a more diverse range of habitat networks for the future. 

“Unfortunately due to the situation with COVID-19 we have had to cancel the proposed community drop-in event. It’s clearly not possible to re-schedule at the moment so as an alternative, we’ve put all of the relevant documents on to our website. 

“We’d really like to get as much local feedback and input as possible so I’d encourage everyone with an interest to take a look and send their comments to us.” 

For more information contact the local team at or


Notes to editors

  1. Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) manages forests and land owned by Scottish Ministers in a way that supports and enables economically sustainable forestry; conserves and enhances the environment; delivers benefits for people and nature; and supports Scottish Ministers in their stewardship of Scotland's national forests and land.

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  3. Media enquiries to Paul Munro, Media Manager, Forestry and Land Scotland Media Office 0131 370 5059 or