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We're still assessing the impact of Storm Eowyn; surveying the extent of the damage takes time for our staff to complete. Please continue to check the website for updates and follow all onsite signage.

Community Guidelines

Social media is part of all of our lives and we enjoy managing our communities for you. To keep our channels welcoming to everyone, we've created community guidelines. We remove comments/posts if they don't meet our standards. In extreme cases, multiple offenders will be banned.

When using Forestry and Land Scotland social media channels:

  • Be civil: don't post anything abusive, defamatory or obscene. Disagreement is fine, harassment is not. We like passion, but please - no swearing.
  • Keep it legal: don't post anything that violates the law. Those participating in, suggesting, or encouraging illegal activity will be banned.
  • Don't spam: posting multiple messages in quick succession, or across more than one channel will be treated as spam.
  • No solicitation: don't post unsolicited personal or commercial advertising.
  • Be yourself: sock-puppet accounts with fake names/profile pictures will be muted, removed or banned.
  • Protect your privacy: don't post your personal information or anyone else's.
  • Stay on topic: Comments should be relevant to the topic. Non-relevant contributions may be removed.

If you have any questions about these guidelines, contact the Digital Content Manager at