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Easter weekend plea for responsible behaviour

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Forestry and Land Scotland is inviting visitors who are planning an Easter weekend visit to a forest to be ‘mindful’ to get the most out of their day. With thousands of visitors expected to head for …

Help shape the vision for 7stanes revamp

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) is gathering views and ideas to help make the most of an ambitious £Multi-million project to rejuvenate the 7stanes product and its wider cycling and visitor offer to …

New bridge for Munlochy's Clootie Well woodland

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Forestry and Land Scotland has built a new bridge to provide safer woodland access to people visiting the Clootie Well and surrounding woodlands at Munlochy. The new bridge, on the ‘Woodland Trail’ (…

Mainshill Community Tree Planting Success

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Douglas Primary School pupils last month rolled up their sleeves to help plant 250 trees at a community event at Mainshill, a former coal site that is now managed by Forestry and Land Scotland.  …

Leanachan Forest set for major works

Friday, 01 April 2022

Forestry and Land Scotland is advising forest visitors that access to Leanachan Forest (near Fort William) will be limited for extended periods while major forestry operations are carried out. The pl…

Inconsiderate parking causing issues at closed forests

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) is reminding people that they should stay away from forests that have been badly damaged in the recent storms. The call to heed FLS advice comes after some visitors a…

Stay for another night…?

Wednesday, 09 March 2022

Forestry and Land Scotland is repeating its ‘Stay the Night’ initiative and permitting campervan and motorhomes to use 41 of its car parks across Scotland for overnight stays.  Stay the Night wi…