Thursday, 20 Mar 2025
As forests begin to emerge from their winter dormancy, we’re inviting people to go for a woodland wa…
The perfect place to get some fresh air and burn some energy. The paths here are wide and fairly level, so they’re ideal for family cycling or even cross-country skiing after snow.
The mix of Scots pine, larch and spruce makes a good home for wildlife here. Look out for roe deer hiding among the trees. In spring and summer, dragonflies and frogs thrive in the woodland pools.
Great for dog walks or for running through the tall, airy pine and larch forest. Distance markers along this circuit of the forest will help you keep track of how far you've gone.
Mostly a firm, smooth, wide track but occasionally uneven with some short narrow sections. Gentle to moderate slopes with some short fairly steep sections.
Allow 1 ½ hours
There are lots of places to eat in Inverness.
There are toilets here - please note they are operated by North Gateway Café not Forestry and Land Scotland and are accessible only during café opening hours.
There is no charge to park in this car park. Please park with care and consideration. In particular please park in designated parking areas only and do not block entrances or gates.
You get to the main car park from the northbound lane of the A9, about 1½ miles (2.4 km) north of Daviot village.
You can also reach Daviot Wood from Castleton Village in Milton of Leys, south of Inverness. There’s a path leading to the forest.
Have a question or suggestion for improvement?
Folklore and history hidden among the trees
A colourful wood where wildlife flourishes
Walk through history and visit the home of a Pictish king