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The Lamachan area lies approximately 5km north east of Newton Stewart in Dumfries and Galloway.

Following analysis, consultation and development work, the land management plan for Lamachan was formally approved on 5 April 2020 and is scheduled for renewal in 2030.

Download a brief summary of the current Lamachan land management plan (PDF)


Winter 2015: Initial stakeholder consultation.

Winter 2015: Ongoing consultation. Woodland design including coupe design, species choice and management proposals.

Spring 2016: Land management plan submission to Forestry Commission Scotland as part of approval process (final plan will be placed on the Forestry Commission public register for 28 days).

Autumn 2019: Revised date for plan submission to Scottish Forestry.

April 2020: Plan formally approved.

Land management plan documents and maps

Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions about this plan, please contact:
