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The Kilquhockadale acquisition comprises of agricultural grazing fields, located between the Tannylaggie and Penninghame forest blocks. The area covers 97.2 ha and is located around 11 km to the north west of Newton Stewart, South Scotland. It is part of Scotland’s national forests and land, owned by Scottish Ministers on behalf of the people of Scotland, and managed by Forestry and Land Scotland.

The Kilquhockadale Woodland Creation Plan defines the management prescription for the area which will ultimately be incorporated into the adjacent Tannylaggie Land Management Plan (LMP) at its next renewal date (2026), and presents the vision for the long-term management of the area. The main management objectives in this plan focus on native woodland creation, carbon capture and peatland restoration.

Community and consultation event

Scoping consultation with stakeholders (including the local community) is a requirement of the land management planning process but it is also a valuable opportunity for us to engage with the public, talk about our work, and discover what's important to you. This initial consultation period is now over and we would like to thank those who took the time to comment.


  • Development of draft brief and design concept | Autumn 2022
  • External stakeholder and public consultations | Winter 2022 - 2023
  • Development of final plans | Spring 2023
  • Submission to Scottish Forestry | Summer 2023

Plan documents and maps

We have recently completed a draft plan and these documents can be viewed below. The plan has now been submitted to Scottish Forestry for regulatory approval, during which time the plan will be listed on their public register for a final consultation period of 28 days. If required, further comments should be made through the public register. For more details and advice on how to comment, please visit the Scottish Forestry website or access the Public Register.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about this plan, please contact:

Laura Green
Planning Forester
Ae Office
