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Covering an area of 3857 hectares, the North Kyle Land Management Plan (LMP) area is located approximately 3km northeast of Dalmellington in East Ayrshire. The plan area comprises a mixed age class conifer plantation with some broadleaf woodland as well as open areas from former open cast mining and reserved for peatland restoration. The North Kyle Windfarm site is a major feature in the centre of the block and is scheduled to become operational in 2025. The block is part of Scotland’s national forests and land owned by Scottish Ministers on behalf of the people of Scotland and managed by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS). 

The North Kyle LMP defines the management prescription for the next ten years (2024-34) and presents the vision for the long-term management of the area. The primary management objectives of this plan focus on visitor experience, management of peatland and former open cast, woodland quality and sustainable timber production.

An analysis and concept map has been produced and presents the proposed key management objectives. 

The concept for the LMP focuses on delivering relevant national policy and has been developed around the following key drivers:

The plan will contribute to the first three outcomes of the Forestry and Land Scotland Corporate Plan:

  1. Supporting a sustainable rural economy
  2. Looking after Scotland’s national forests and land
  3. National forests and land for visitors and community


  • 30 June 2024: project and initial briefing completed
  • 30 September 2024: survey and internal scoping anticipated deadline
  • 1 December 2024: target date for submission of plan for approval to Scottish Forestry
  • 28 February 2025: target plan approval date



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