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Ormaig and Salachry Land Management Plan (LMP) lies to the north-west of Lochgilphead in Mid Argyll. The LMP area covers a total of 944 Ha, incorporating two forest blocks, Ormaig (~737Ha) and Salachry (~207Ha).

The forests lie in a prominent area of landscape, with Ormaig situated east of Loch Craignish, resulting in them being very visible from the Craignish peninsula. The Lochgilphead to Oban road (A816) runs to the east of Ormaig block and divides Salachry block in two.

The area includes productive conifer forest, native broadleaves, open hills, lochs and riparian zones. The two forest blocks lie on the periphery of Kilmartin Glen, thus there are many historic features within the blocks, including three Scheduled Monuments (SMs) and Cup & Ring Rock Art. Priority habitats and species are also present, with Ormaig being widely used by both the local community of Kilmartin and tourists to the area.


  • Maintain sustainable quality timber production.
  • Plan and construct cost effective access to inaccessible crops and for establishment success.
  • Develop a programme to remove most larch in phase 1 or phase 2 if phase 1 not feasible.
  • Protect, connect and enhance the Ancient Woodland Site (AWS).
  • Protect and enhance the Scheduled Monuments (SMs) and heritage features.
  • Restore and maintain areas of bog/wetland habitat, and other priority/protected species and habitats.
  • Provide scope and opportunity for potential increased recreational use by local communities and tourists, as well as enable/compliment the community action plans.
  • Provide opportunity for appropriate and well managed and integration with neighbouring land owners.
  • Ensure that coupes are well scaled and shaped and roads sited to relate to landscape character and scenic quality.
  • Scale, shape and plan coupes to maximise cost efficiencies for felling and access provision and re-establishment effectiveness.
  • Protect current and new infrastructure in plan area- access rights for third parties, A816, WLATHR, forest roads, tracks, core paths etc.


  • Autumn 2024 - Drop in consultation events 5 and 9 September 2024
  • February 2025 - External consultation of proposals
  • Spring 2025 - Submission to Scottish Forestry (SF) for approval

Documents and maps


Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions, please contact:

Jeni West
Forestry and Land Scotland
PA31 8RS
Phone: +44 (0) 131 370 5672