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The Torrs Warren land management unit is located between Stranraer and Newton Stewart, some 4km west of Glenluce, in Dumfries and Galloway. 

Covering approximately 207 ha the plan area comprises three separate blocks; Torrs Warren (the largest block), Droughduil and Dunragit. The blocks range from conifer plantation on sand dunes in the Solway Firth through to lowland mixed broadleaf woodland.The blocks are part of Scotland’s national forests and land, owned by Scottish Ministers on behalf of the people of Scotland and managed by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS).

The current Land Management Plan (2024 to 2034) identifies management objectives and sets out our operations for the next ten years. The plan has been approved by Scottish Forestry. The successful delivery of this plan will contribute to the objectives of Forestry and Land Scotland’s Corporate Plan, as well as the priorities, objectives and vision of Scotland’s Forestry Strategy. The plan has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) and its supporting guidelines. The UKFS is the benchmark for sustainable forestry practice, and the Scottish Government is committed to its use.

Significant environmental features in the plan area

  • Designated sites:  Luce Bay and Sands are designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Special Protection Area (SPA) and  Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
  • Ancient Woodland: small but relevant areas of the wood (more than 15% of the plan area) are recorded as Long- established of Plantation Origin (LEPO)
  • Scheduled Monuments: Round Dounan and Droughdool Mote are present.

Long term vision

For Torrs Warren and Drouchduil we aim as far as possible to retain the pine wood plantations for aesthetics and coastal amenity transitioning gradually over time to a climax vegetation community of semi-natural coastal heath under an open Oak and Birch woodland. Both blocks will continue to provide access for local communities and visitors through a network of informal paths, forest roads and core footpath.

The vision for Dunragit is gradual conifer removal and conversion to broadleaf woodland that will provide a permanent woodland backdrop to Dunragit village and showcase the features of a regionally significant Non Inventory Designed Landscape.

Management objectives (next ten years)

  1. Manage the Designated sites and Scheduled features as per their associated management plans.
  2. Retain access (and enhance when resources allow) to continue to provide a quality experience for local communities and visitors.
  3. Encourage / continue the phased restoration of Ancient and Semi Natural Woodlands (ASNW) in the Dunragit block to increase biodiversity and strengthen links to other external woodland fragments.
  4. Thin the plantation woodlands to enhance the internal landscape and create a range of wildlife habitats through a modest sustainable timber production.

Summary of planned operations (next ten years)

  • Total plan area = 207 ha
  • Felling = 2.9 ha
  • Restocking = 27.9 ha
  • Forest roads = no new roads planned (but 2km upgrade and maintenance)

How is the forest likely to change over the next twenty years?

There will be a gradual transition of the mainly pine wood and conifer plantations towards the development of open, native oak and birch woodland.  Some areas of existing mature conifer trees may be retained and allowed to age and die in situ to provide additional structure and wildlife habitat.  Restocking (and/or natural regeneration) of native broadleaf will add diversity to the woodland.

What other activity is likely to happen?

The existing recreation provision will continue to be managed and maintained to a highstandard. Orientation information and forest interpretation will be reviewed. Access for all,including provision for the less abled, will be a priority. FLS will be open to working with partners to explore opportunities to enhance the recreation offering.

The full land management plan for Torrs Warren (2024 to 2034) and supporting maps are available to download below.

Plan documents and maps

Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions, please contact:

Stephen Stables
Forestry and Land Scotland
Galloway Forest District
Creebridge,Newton Stewart