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Morvern land management plan consultation

Forestry and Land Scotland are at the early stage of reviewing the ten-year Land Management Plan (LMP) for Morvern forest, which comprises the Barr, Lochaline North and Lochaline South, forest blocks. This scoping stage analyses the issues and constraints to be considered for its management and proposes objectives and priorities, short and long term, which will inform the preparation of the LMP Plan for the next 10 years.  

Morvern forest covers more than 5,900 hectares at the North -West end of the Morvern peninsula, stretching from the shoreline to 410 metres above sea level. Established primarily as a timber producing forest, with early planting commencing pre-1940, the forest has been restructured over the years to include a wider range of age classes and this work is ongoing. Sitka spruce remains the dominant species, although alternative conifers continue to be planted, to improve diversity.

Areas of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland will be protected, and Plantations on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) of high ecological value will be restored to native woodland.

The forest area is dissected by multiple water courses, where establishment of broadleaved woodland will improve riparian habitat. The forest is home to a wide range of species including European Protected species and Schedule 1 raptors and there are designated conservation sites for both terrestrial and marine interests along forest margins. Forest management will aim to protect these key habitats and species.

Statutory Plant Health Notices (SPHNs) for Phytophthora ramorum on larch have necessitated felling of significant areas earlier than had been planned and future harvesting programmes will need to be designed in this context. 


  • Scoping consultation – February / March 2024
  • Public consultation event on the Scoping Brief – 14 February 2024
  • Draft LMP consultation – April 2024
  • Final draft LMP submission to Scottish Forestry – mid May 2024 

Documents and maps

Further documents will be available in due course.

Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions, please contact:

The Planning Team
Forestry and Land Scotland
West Region
Torlundy, Fort William
PH33 6SW

Phone: 0300 067 6870