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Barrs & Cadderlie Forest lies 14 miles east-north-east of Oban on the northern shore of Loch Etive. The forest was first planted between 1973 and 1975. There are extensive areas of native woodland including Caledonian pine remnants and unplanted mountain top. A number of important designations cover parts of the area. Commercial conifers have generally grown well in lower areas but growth falls off rapidly with altitude. Access is poor, comprising 6 miles of track from Bonawe and 8 miles of consultation single track road from Connel. A Public Right of Way runs through the area. The plan will propose felling all commercial conifers and replacing with native woodland. Access for haulage will be by boat to a new proposed constructed facility on the shore with tracks from there into the forest. Harvesting is intended to precede installation of the Allt Easach hydro-scheme.

The primary objectives for the plan area are: commercial conifer timber production, followed by conversion to native woodland; and protection of designated areas. Certification under the UK Woodland Assurance Scheme is another important objective to which the plan will contribute.


  • Spring 2017: Initial stakeholder consultation
  • Spring 2018: Further stakeholder consultation and finalisation of draft plan
  • May 2018: Submission of plan to Perth and Argyll Conservancy for approval
  • October 2018: Plan approved on 22 October 2018

Documents and maps

Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions about this plan, please contact:

Susannah Hughes
Forestry and Land Scotland
Millpark Road
PA34 4NH


Phone: 0131 370 5467 or 0782 723 9056