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We're still assessing the impact of Storm Eowyn; surveying the extent of the damage takes time for our staff to complete. Please continue to check the website for updates and follow all onsite signage.

The plan for South Knapdale comprises four separate forest areas; Coulaghailtro, Inverneil, Meall Mhor and Torinturk. They are primarily commercial forests. Coulaghailtro and Torinturk are linked by a timber haul route. All four forests are in the process of being restructured and roaded for harvesting access. Meall Mhor and Inverneil contain important native woodland SSSI’s, whilst Torinturk has a longer history of woodland, containing significant areas classed as Ancient Woodland Sites. Torinturk also contains a small former forest village and forest walks, but otherwise community interest and access for recreation is very limited.  Landscape is important in views from public roads and ferry routes. Scheduled monuments in Torinturk and old mine workings in Inverneil and Meall Mhor contribute to the environmental values present.

The primary objectives of the plan are:-

  • Timber production
  • Restoration of Ancient Woodland Sites
  • Development of habitat networks
  • UKWAS certification

Plan Proposals

The following outcomes are required and the following issues have been addressed in the plan revision:-

Economic context

  • Approval for 924.6 ha of felling and 838.0 ha of restocking is being sought, for completion within the first 10 years of the plan.
  • Timber production from felling and thinning operations is estimated at 30 Km3/annum.
  • Reassessment of economic felling dates takes into account changes to yield classes based on new Attribute survey data and new aerial photography.
  • New roading requires EIA approval for 7.15Km of new roading and felling approval for 21.4 ha of associated roadline felling within the first 5 years of the plan.  A further 6.3Km of new roading and felling approval for 18.9 ha of associated roadline felling in the last 5 years of the plan.

Environmental context

  • Full restoration of PAWS sites is incorporated, in line with current policy, where practical.
  • Implementation of requirements in management plans for designated sites.

Social context

  • Increased conifer tree species diversification for landscape improvement, with particular focus on the views across West Loch Tarbert, public roadside views and recreation routes.
  • New footpath construction to Dun a’ Choin Dubh.


  • Plan approved: 20 August 2012
  • Plan expires: 20 August 2022

Documents and maps


Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions, please contact:
