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We're still assessing the impact of Storm Eowyn; surveying the extent of the damage takes time for our staff to complete. Please continue to check the website for updates and follow all onsite signage.

Path going through arch sculptures.


Clydeside Woods Land Management Plan is FLS’ 10 year renewal LMP for three existing woodland blocks – Auchenshuggle, Cuningar Loop, and Greenoakhill Woods. The area of these blocks are 6ha, 15ha, and 51ha respectively, together forming an LMP area of ~72ha within the Glasgow City limits.

These blocks have been incorporated into this new management area due to their similarities in objectives, as well as their proximity to one another. After 5 years the plan will be subject to review.

The previous plans for Cuningar Loop and Greenoakhill Woods both shared the same main objective of woodland creation and establishment for the benefit of the public, expanding quality greenspace available to the residents of the respective areas. The previous plan for Auchenshuggle was primarily concerned with thinning the area to improve the quality of the block, an action which has resulted in an enhanced user experience.

With the main objective of this LMP being to maintain and enhance the woodland for the benefit of public users, the only operations required in the next 10-year period are thinning interventions. With much of the woodland being too young for its first thinning, only Auchenshuggle and Greenoakhill Woods have planned operations. Our Visitor Services teams will continue to engage with the public throughout the next LMP period to ensure responsive and desirable management is carried out where needed.

The plan and associated maps below describe our management objectives and proposals over the next 10 years and considers management beyond.



Preliminary work on plan revision started in Spring 2023 with draft concept maps produced for initial scoping in May 2023.

We now have draft proposals ready for wider engagement and consultation with stakeholders. The consultation period provides the opportunity to raise issues that will have an impact on plan development. Stakeholders will have 28 days to respond as part of this consultation between 16 September and 14 October 2024.

Consultation will take the form of direct communication with stakeholders and on-site signage both directing to the information on this page. Additionally, there will be two in-person drop-in days. One of these will take place at The Bothy at Cuningar Loop on 1 October 1pm-4pm, whilst the other will take place in the car park at Greenoakhill Woods on 3 October 3pm-6:30pm. 

Following consultation our final plan will be published on our Active Land Management Plan page.

Our proposals and supporting documentation and maps can be found at the links below.

Documents and maps


Get in touch

If you would like to receive notification of further developments with the plan, please contact:

Planning Team
Forestry and Land Scotland
Five Sisters House
Five Sisters Business Park
West Calder
EH55 8NP