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The Glen Roy Land Management Plan is currently being revised; the new LMP, once finalised and approved, will cover a 10 year period from 2025 to 2035. A summary document and maps are provided; the full LMP text will be available here soon.

The Glen Roy LMP area extends to 1,984 ha and covers open ground and forest, with 542 ha of tree cover. The open ground surrounding the woodland is owned by FLS but is crofted and grazed by two Crofting Associations (Inveroy Crofters’ and Bohuntine Crofters’). The land was purchased in 1959 from two separate owners and the original planting took place between 1964 and 1977; some of the commercial planting is now second rotation. This LMP revises the previous Forest Design Plan (03/07/2012 to 02/07/2022, extended to 31/03/2023).

The forest is primarily commercial conifers, with some extent of Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW) and Plantation on Ancient Woodland Sites (PAWS) with small areas of other native woodland present, mainly along watercourses. The forest lies within the Parallel Roads of Lochaber SSSI. A major amendment was approved in 2021 for the eastern part of the main forest block. 

Commercial conifer production remains the prime objective in this forest but protection of ASNW; restoration of PAWS; establishment of riparian broadleaved woodland; creation of woodland edge habitat; restoration and management of peatland and protection of the designated Parallel Roads features are also key objectives. 

Draft Land Management Plan Objectives 

  1. To maintain the productive timber potential of the forest, while improving diversity in species and age structure
  2. Protect the existing ASNW and minimise browsing pressure
  3. Restore high / medium ecological potential PAWS to native woodland; remove mature non-native conifers from the PAWS along the Roy River, through Fell to Recycle if necessary
  4. Where feasible, produce productive broadleaves from non-PAWS areas and PAWS of low ecological potential
  5. Encourage natural regeneration and successional development of native broadleaves in riparian zones
  6. Enhance habitat and landscape quality by diversifying the forest margin through restocking and allowing natural regeneration to develop softer margins
  7. Assess peat areas and undertake peatland restoration or development of peat edge broadleaved woodland where appropriate
  8. Construct an access road to the coupes in the NE of the forest, creating a road line that minimises gulley crossings and protects landscape and environmental features 


  • September – October 2024: Public Consultation on the draft LMP
  • End October 2024: Submission of final draft LMP to Scottish Forestry for consideration and inclusion on the Public Register

Documents and maps


Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions, please contact:

The Planning Team
Forestry and Land Scotland
West Region
Torlundy, Fort William
PH33 6SW


Phone: 0300 670 6650