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We're still assessing the impact of Storm Eowyn; surveying the extent of the damage takes time for our staff to complete. Please continue to check the website for updates and follow all onsite signage.

View over the forest and lakes area of the East Loch Lomond LMP site

Loch Lomond Forests Land Management (LMP) is the 10 year renewal LMP for three existing Forestry and Land Scotland woodland blocks: East Loch Lomond (including Rowardennan and Sallochy), Balmaha, and Ross Priory. The area of these blocks are 979 ha, 54 ha and 71 ha respectively, together forming an LMP area of 1104 ha within the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park. 

These blocks have been incorporated into this new management area due to their position on the banks of Loch Lomond, all falling within the Atlantic Strategic Rainforest (ASR) zone. After 5 years the plan will be subject to review. 

It is with the ASR zone in mind that the objectives for this LMP have been conceived, with large areas of felling at East Loch Lomond aimed at completing the goals of the Ben Lomond National Memorial Landscape which were conceived over two decades ago. 

Here, non-native conifers will be removed in their entirety and regeneration from the seeds of these managed, moving the area closer to the restoration of native temperate rainforest. In Balmaha, diseased Larch trees will be fully removed along with a chunk of non-native conifers there, also moving towards temperate rainforest restoration. Ross Priory is a diverse and young woodland area of predominantly native broadleaves, work here over the next 10 years will focus on encouraging a healthy woodland, maximising the number of opportunities for management as it moves into maturity. 

While the main objectives for the entire LMP area are centred around environmental restoration and tree health, public engagement is an essential part of designing management objectives with a strong local community and a high volume of visitor footfall within the blocks. All objectives will contribute to the visitor experience, enhancing landscape characteristics and opportunities for recreation in the long-term. 

The plan below and associated maps describe our management objectives and proposals over the next 10 years and considers management beyond. 



Preliminary work on plan revision started in Spring 2024 with draft concept maps produced for initial scoping in May 2024. 

We now have draft proposals ready for wider engagement and consultation with stakeholders. The consultation period provides the opportunity to raise issues that will have an impact on plan development. Stakeholders will have 28 days to respond as part of this consultation between 20 January 2025 and 20 February 2025. 

Consultation will take the form of direct communication with stakeholders and on-site signage both directing to the information on this page. Additionally, there will be two in-person drop-in days. These will take place at Drymen Village Hall between 3pm and 7pm on 4 February 2025, and Balmaha Visitor Centre in Balmaha between midday and 3pm on 8 February 2025. 

Following consultation our final plan will be published on our Active Land Management Plan page. 

Our proposals can be found via the links below. 

Concept maps


Get in touch

If you would like to receive notification of further developments with this plan, please contact: 

Planning Team
Forestry and Land Scotland
Five Sisters House
Five Sisters Business Park
West Calder
EH55 8NP
