Shannochill land management plan
Shannochill land management plan
Shannochill Land Management plan was approved by Forestry Commission Scotland in March 2016 following a full consultation with local communities and statutory stakeholders. Approval is for a ten year period from 2016 to 2026. This is a new acquisition and will demonstrate best practice in broadleaved silviculture and integrated land use. We expect to plant approximately 16ha of the site in 2017/18 using a mix of native and non-native broadleaved species.
Documents and maps
- Summary of the plan (20KB)
- Location map (694KB)
- Full text of the approved plan (5.5MB)
- Species map showing planting proposals (373KB)
- Map showing locations of viewpoints (495KB)
3D representation of how the site will appear in the future
- Viewpoint 1 Braeval Entrance (268KB)
- Viewpoint 2 Braeval(230KB)
- Viewpoint 3 Flanders (261KB)
- Viewpoint 4 The Lodge (201KB)
Get in touch
If you would like further information or have any questions about this plan, please contact: