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an open area with treed hills and wind turbines

The Little Clyde Land Management Unit is a forest block covering 667 ha and is located around 1.5 km to the east of Elvanfoot, South Scotland. It is part of Scotland’s national forests and land, owned by Scottish Ministers on behalf of the people of Scotland, and managed by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS). Approximately 255 ha of the most elevated northern section of the site is part of the Little Clyde Wind Farm Development (13 turbines within the LMP area) and managed by SSE as open habitat. The Little Clyde Land Management Plan (LMP) defines the management prescription for the next ten years (2024-2034), and presents the vision for the long-term management of the area. 

The main management objectives in this plan focus on sustainable timber production, and continuing diversification of structure and species to promote biodiversity and resilience to climate change. 

Forestry and Land Scotland have recently completed a revision of this plan. The final documents can be viewed below. The plan has now been submitted to Scottish Forestry for regulatory approval, during which time the plan will be listed on their public register for a final consultation period.

Community consultation

It is important that we understand why this area is important to the local community.  Consultation with stakeholders (including the local community) is a requirement of the land management planning process, and we thank all those who provided comment. 


  • Development of draft brief and design concept | Spring/Summer 2023
  • External stakeholder consultations | Summer 2023
  • Public engagement | Autumn 2023
  • Development of final plans | Winter 2023/24
  • Submission to Scottish Forestry | Spring 2024

Documents and maps


Get in touch

If you would like further information, wish to comment or to speak to us directly, please contact:


Telephone: 0300 067 6900