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an open area with treed hills and wind turbines

The Little Clyde Land Management Unit is a forest block covering 663 ha and is located around 1.5 km to the east of Elvanfoot, South Scotland. Little Clyde lies adjacent to the north-eastern edge of the M74. It is part of Scotland’s national forests and land, owned by Scottish Ministers on behalf of the people of Scotland, and managed by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS).  

The site was converted from upland pasture to forestry in the 1970s, absorbing a small area of long- existing plantation in the west of the site. Approximately 245 ha of the elevated northern section of the site is part of the Little Clyde Wind Farm Development. There are 13 turbines within the LMP area. This northern section of the site is managed by SSE. FLS manage the remaining 417 ha. FLS will continue working with SSE to manage the windfarm and the surrounding woodland and open hill ground.


The Little Clyde Land Management Plan (LMP) defines the management prescription for the next ten years (2024-2034), and presents the vision for the long-term management of the area. The plan has been approved by Scottish Forestry. The successful delivery of this plan will contribute to the objectives of Forestry and Land Scotland’s Corporate Plan, as well as the priorities, objectives and vision of Scotland’s Forestry Strategy. The plan has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) and its supporting guidelines. The UKFS is the benchmark for sustainable forestry practice, and the Scottish Government is committed to its use.  

Long term vision

The vision is for Little Clyde to successfully fulfil sustainability goals by providing economic, environmental and landscape benefits to the local area and the wider public forest estate. These benefits are to be in the form of renewable energy production, sustainable timber supply, high provision of habitats for biodiversity and improvement to the M74 corridor landscape. The rich archaeological interest present at Little Clyde is to be preserved and protected. The forest will become home to a diversity of tree species adapted to the soil conditions and current and future climate, thus providing resilience to pests, diseases and extreme weather events.

Management Objectives (next ten years)

Objective 1: Sustainable timber - Maintain a supply of sustainable timber via site suitable species selection when restocking, continuing to diversify the age and species structure of the forest within the restrictions of exposure and stand stability.

Objective 2: Historic environment and landscape - Protect the historic environment, specifically the four scheduled monuments on the site. Continue to improve landscape value of the block, especially along the highly visible lower slopes.

Objective 3: Biodiversity - Expand native broadleaf cover along riparian edges, linking the broadleaf area in the north of the site to the mixed broadleaved areas in the south. Provide red squirrel and raptor refuges via the retention of mature coupes in sheltered locations. Improve black grouse habitat by expanding open heath areas along northern boundary of the site.

Summary of planned operations (next ten years):

  • Total plan area = 663 ha
  • Felling = 105.6 ha
  • Restocking = 136.1 ha
  • Forest Roads = 1.14 km

Changes over the next twenty years: there will be a reduction in Sitka spruce in the forest, with the establishment of alternative species and mixed species stands where soils and exposure allow. Riparian native broadleaved buffer zones will continue to be expanded. Some areas of existing mature conifer trees will be retained and allowed to age and die in situ providing wildlife habitat. Native broadleaved areas manged for biodiversity will be maintained and expanded. 

Documents and maps


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Telephone: 0300 067 6900