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We're still assessing the impact of Storm Eowyn; surveying the extent of the damage takes time for our staff to complete. Please continue to check the website for updates and follow all onsite signage.

The Tairlaw Land Management unit covers 1,120 ha and is located in South Ayrshire, approximately 5km south of Straiton village. It is part of Scotland's national forests and land, owned by Scottish Ministers on behalf of the people of Scotland and managed by Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS). 

The current land management plan identifies management objectives and sets out our operations over a 10 year period. The successful delivery of this plan will contribute to the objectives of FLS's Corporate Plan, as well as the priorities, objectives and vision of Scotland's Forestry Strategy. 

The plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) and has been approved by Scottish Forestry. The UKFS is the benchmark for sustainable forestry practices and the Scottish Government is committed to its use. 

The land management plan and supporting maps are available to download below. 

Long term vision

The Tairlaw block will continue to provide a valuable, sustainably managed forest through the use of clearfell and alternative to clearfell systems in less exposed areas. This will result in increased species diversity and age class to provide a range of ecosystem services including timber supply, greater- habitat biodiversity and water quality.

A network of broadleaved corridors within sustainably managed conifer forests will connect to the Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland, both within the block and out into the surrounding area. Importance will also be given, in perpetuity, to the Black Grouse habitat on the block's open hill tops due to its current benefit to the existing, fragile population and its value to the wider core area for the species in Galloway. 

Management objectives

  1. Manage the woodland under appropriate silvicultural systems to produce sustainable quality timber products. 
  2. Maintain and enhance structural and species richness of woodland to benefit biodiversity, in particular Black Grouse habitats. 
  3. Continue working to forestry best practice to safeguard water, soil and air quality, strengthening the resilience of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. 

Summary of planned operations

  • Felling = 32 ha
  • Potential thinning = 342 ha
  • Restocking = 32 ha
  • Afforestation = 0 ha
  • Deforestation = 0 ha
  • Forest roads (new) = 0 m
  • Forest quarries (existing) = 1 ha

Designations and significant features

  • Galloway and South Ayrshire Biosphere
  • Western Southern Uplands Environmentally Sensitive Area

Documents and maps

Tairlaw Land Management (PDF)

Get in touch

If you would like further notification, or have any questions, please contact:

Telephone: 0300 067 6900