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Hills with trees on them

The Cononish land management plan (LMP) is a new 10-year plan that covers an area of 651 hectares to the west of Tyndrum.

The LMP area was acquired in the 1960’s/70’s when it was mainly open ground, and soon after it was planted with a commercial crop of Sitka Spruce and Larch. There has been limited management in the intervening years, so there is now an opportunity to update management objectives to reflect the changing priorities and emerging challenges that have evolved since the area was first afforested.

The new plan will move towards creating more native woodland habitat, which will provide increased habitat connectivity within the landscape. Timber production remains an important part of the plan, but this will be in balance with other objectives. The key challenge for the LMP area is the management of Larch on steeper slopes. Larch is threatened by Phytophthora ramorum, a disease which if present can cause widespread mortality and the need for felling intervention. This plan aims to pro-actively remove a large a proportion of this vulnerable crop.

The long term vision for the LMP area is to move towards a more diverse forested landscape that is better integrated into the wider landscape. Productive forestry will remain within a core zone, while native habitat expansion will increase biodiversity and habitat connectivity. 



Consultation is an essential part of the planning process, helping us develop well-informed and effective plans. Engaging with stakeholders, including the local community, ensures that that all parties have an opportunity to feed into the plan development. We welcome your input and encourage you to share your thoughts to help shape our plans for the area.

We are currently seeking feedback on our draft plan and the EIA screening opinion request (SOR) for the proposed road (details below).

Please get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

We will be running a drop in session at the Tyndrum Inn on 6 May between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm. 

Consultation on the draft concept will be open until the 18 May 2025.

Documents and Maps


Get in Touch

If you would like to comment on the plan or receive further notification of plan developments please contact:

Planning Team
Forestry and Land Scotland
Ballanton Office
