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The Achray Land Management Plan area (PDF) was approved by Scottish Forestry on 21st August 2023 following consultation with a range of stakeholders and will be due for revision in 2033.

The plan area lies in the heart of the Trossachs between the settlements of Aberfoyle and Brig o’ Turk, in Stirlingshire. It falls entirely within Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park. Defined by wooded hillsides and lochs, historically it has been a destination for artists and writers and the Trossachs continue to draw an increasing number of visitors throughout the year. The plan area is divided into three segments by the A821, each with its own character. The southern part of the area is on the Highland Boundary Fault and the steep slopes of the Achray Face, clothed with a diversity of native woodland and non-native conifers, provide a magnificent backdrop to The Lodge Visitor Centre. In the west Ben Venue and the smaller Ben A’an tower over Lochs Katrine and Achray offering stunning, panoramic views of the landscape and its wider setting. In the north the secluded Glen Finglas hides it’s wild beauty behind a gateway of native woodland. The steep and winding public road between Aberfoyle and Brig o’ Turk provides a glimpse of the Trossachs in microcosm and for the more adventurous the Three Lochs Forest Drive takes you deeper into a working forest.

Achray is one of the most diverse forest blocks in Central Region with varied topography and a range of habitats at elevations from 25m above sea level at Aberfoyle to 727m at the summit of Ben Venue. Out of the total area of 3964ha just under half is woodland. Of the latter, although about 45 per cent is Sitka spruce around 20% is native broadleaved woodland and 10% Scots pine and 10% larch species. The remaining woodland is made up of a number of non-native broadleaved and conifer species. Woodland cover extends from the glen floors up to an elevation of generally around 350m, though there is potential for native woodland to extend to much higher elevation. There are important designated sites in the plan area including the native woodland of the Trossachs SAC and the upper reaches of the Teith SAC, noted for its fish assemblage.

Although timber production is an important objective for the LMP area this will be achieved in a variety of ways, not just through clearfell of monocultural spruce forests. Use of so called low impact silvicultural systems and a range of species at restocking will add to diversity. Another key aspiration is to enhance, restore and potentially expand the extensive native woodlands. It will also be important to retain the unique sense of place that belongs to the Trossachs central to the provision for visitors to the area. In the light of the continuing spread of Ramorum disease in larch, proposals for reducing the amount of this species will also be outlined.

Land management plan documents and maps

Plan text, maps and visualisations can be found at the links below. All documents will be checked and links updated following approval.




These illustrate felling sequence and future restocking/habitats from key viewpoints

Get in touch

If you would like further information on this or other plans in Central Region please contact:
