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Gartly Land Management Plan (LMP) area is located between Huntly and Insch in Western Aberdeenshire. The plan area includes the main Gartly Moor forest block and part of Redhill immediately adjacent to the East.

The purpose of the plan is to outline felling and thinning proposals over 20 years with the first 10 years in detail along with restocking proposals for the whole plan area.

Analysis of the available information has led to the following objectives for the Gartly LMP area: 

Primary objectives:

  • Objective 1: Ensure that the forest continues to contribute to Region’s timber production targets. There are opportunities to produce a significant amount of timber through a combination of clearfell and thinning activities. A future resource can also be guaranteed by restocking with primarily productive species.

  • Objective 2: Increase resilience and biodiversity value by adding more diverse range of species. The presence of diseases affecting several tree species and the poor soils present in Gartly may mean that suitable restock species will be limited in large areas of the block. There will be a focus on identifying suitable areas for additional species diversity, which will build resilience to probable pest and disease impact in the future and help mitigate the impact of other issues associated with a changing climate.

Secondary Objectives

  • Identify and implement management operations to help achieve carbon capture and biodiversity targets. This will include investigating known areas of deep peat within the block and carrying out restoration work where it is likely to increase the carbon capture potential of the area.

  • Protect and improve the water environment. Gartly forms part of the watershed for several locally important watercourses, with some tributaries originating from within the block. Feasible steps will be taken to ensure water quality is maintained or improved and that operations do not have a negative impact on flood risk downstream.

  • Maintain and improve habitat for all priority species found within the block. As well as the known presence of red squirrel and pine martin, Gartly also forms part of the Strathbogie Wildcat Priority Area so in-depth consultation with conservation experts will be sought to ensure the block is managed in a sensitive manner.

  • Maintain current levels of recreational use. The local population already use the woodlands for recreation, this should be sustained by conducting forest operations sensitively and maintaining current facilities.

  • Protect or improve priority habitats. There are several priority open habitats within Gartly which should be protected or improved where possible, including: upland heath, acid grassland and open water.


This plan has been approved and is now active, it is scheduled to be renewed in May 2033.

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