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We are currently carrying out a Land Management Plan (LMP) revision to help us determine future management proposals for Dalrulzion. An LMP details how we intend to manage our land over the coming 10 years and indicates our vision for the next decades and beyond.

The new plan will set out future management objectives and will give approval for felling, thinning and restocking operations. Through the new plan we want to continue to ensure the social, economic and ecological benefits the forest block provides.

The Dalrulzion forest block is situated in Glen Shee, south of the Cairngorms, where the plateau starts to give way to the lower, more fertile, lands of Perthshire. The block sits due south of Dalrulzian and west of the Black water, which meets the river Ericht four miles south at Bridge of Cally. It’s a little over 365 hectares in size and consists of a majority productive conifer forest. The block is important for water quality and local recreation and contains a scheduled ancient monument.

The current stage of the plan is the scoping stage in which we welcome stakeholders to get in touch with any issues or constraints they are aware of that might impact the development of the new plan.


  • October 2024: Scoping
  • November 2024: Draft Plan Completion
  • December 2024: Consultation
  • December: Internal Review
  • December: Submission to Scottish Forestry for approval



Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions about this plan, please contact:
