Forest of Elchies Land Management Plan
Forest of Elchies Land Management Plan
The Forest of Elchies is located just north of the small village of Archiestown, within Speyside and over looked by Ben Rinnes, the tallest peak in Speyside. It is close to the A95 trunk road, which leads to the south and incorporates part of the renowned Malt Whisky Trail.
The forest block covers 1,520 hectares comprising of high moorland forest in the north that descends to a pastoral landscape in the south, with the elevation ranging from 150m – 300m.
Documents and Maps
- Elchies Summary Text
- Elchies LMP Text
- Map 1 - Location (the location of Dallas in relation to the local area)
- Map 2 - Current Tree Species
- Map 3 - Key Features (the important issues that need to be addressed in the plan)
- Map 4 - Concept (how the key features will influence the management of the forest)
- Map 5 - Management Coupes (the proposed felling for the area)
- Map 6 - Thinning Approval (areas we are seeking permission to thin within the plan area)
- Map 7 - Future Habitats and Species (tree species and associated habitat, moving us towards our long term vision)
- Map 8 - Timber Haulage and Civils (agreed and consultation routes with proposed civil engineering works)
- Map 9 - Soils
- Map 9a – Peatland and Habitat (peat soils and associated habitat types)
- Map 9b - Presumption to Restore (sensitive peat soils)
- Map 9c - Assessed Restore and Assessed Restock (peat soils that could grow a timber crop)
- Appendix D.1. - Visualisations (how Elchies will change over the plan period and beyond)
- Appendix D.2. - Stakeholder Engagement (summary of all stakeholder engagement)
- Appendix D.3. - Peatland Restoration Plan
Get in touch
If you would like further information or have any questions about this plan, please contact: