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Morvern forest extends across 5,946 ha at the NW end of the Morvern peninsular and comprises three blocks: Barr, Lochaline North and Lochaline South. The forest was established pre 1940, as a largely commercial timber- producing forest but has been extensively restructured over a number of years and now has a wide range of age classes. Planted species are dominated by Sitka spruce but restructuring has expanded the area of diverse conifers and the proportion of native broadleaves has increased through natural regeneration, particularly in Barr forest, where native woodland expansion will consolidate and link areas of Semi Natural Woodland (SNW) and restored PAWS. There are various renewable energy developments across the forest.

Although the main focus is commercial timber production, the forest provides for informal recreation and supports a number of heritage sites, notably the cleared township at Inniemore (Loch Doire nan Mart) which is a scheduled monument and the wishing stone at Clach na Criche (the remains of an igneous dyke used as a boundary marker, wishing stone and resting place during funeral processions). Various protected species are found in the area, including otter, Pine marten, Black grouse, Golden eagle and Sea eagle and a variety of habitats, including wetland / bog habitat, stands of gorse with successional broadleaved woodland and traditional hay meadows at the mouth of the Savary River

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Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions, please contact:

The Planning Team
Forestry and Land Scotland
West Region
Torlundy, Fort William
PH33 6SW

Phone: 0300 067 6870