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We're still assessing the impact of Storm Eowyn; surveying the extent of the damage takes time for our staff to complete. Please continue to check the website for updates and follow all onsite signage.

We have now submitted our draft proposals for forest and land management for the next ten years to forestry regulator Scottish Forestry for assessment and approval. The documents and maps that comprise this draft Land Management Plan (LMP) are detailed below and are available to view or download from this list.

As part of their approvals process, Scottish Forestry (SF) consider the implications of the draft Plan’s proposals against the UK Forestry Standard as well as placing the draft Plan on their online Public Register for a further 28-day consultation period – when anyone is able to make representation to SF regarding any aspect of the Plan’s objectives or specific actions that they wish to comment upon. SF’s Public Register is here.

The new draft LMP covers our intended management of an area of 9,678 hectares in the vicinity of Fort Augustus, Glenmoriston and on the north-western and western flanks of Loch Ness (see Location Map 1 below) and seeks to address issues around the following:

  • management of productive conifer woodland;
  • ancient and riparian native woodland restoration;
  • wider habitat management;
  • conservation of scheduled and designated features in the Plan area;
  • consideration of adaptation and the resilience of habitats and species to climate change.

Our goal is to ensure these forests and open ground are managed in as practical and effective a manner as possible for broad social, economic and environmental benefit.

At initial public notification of LMP renewal (see ‘Timeline’ below), a formative Plan Brief document was produced summarising our general ambition - and some of the key issues likely to influence objectives during the Plan revision process. This original Plan Brief document is still available below for initial context.

Whilst the draft Plan’s revision is complete – and its consideration and eventual approval now in the hands of the regulator - FLS would be happy to hear from any interested parties wishing to make comment, or to request clarification, with regard to the draft LMP. Please send any correspondence to us using the contact details at the bottom of this page. 


  • April 2024: External Scoping – included notification of LMP revision to local and statutory stakeholders, neighbouring estates and community organisations.
  • May - June: Follow up on external stakeholder consultation, local neighbour consultation where requested and development of early draft LMP.
  • 13 June: Public meeting held in Glenmoriston Millennium Hall to present formative forest plan objectives and to garner further local opinion and feedback.
  • 14 November: Finalised draft LMP submitted to Scottish Forestry (SF).
  • 18 November: LMP placed on SF’s Public Register (28-day consultation period).
  • Mid- December: SF review of public/stakeholder feedback in ongoing consideration of draft LMP.
  • End of December 2024: Anticipated approval of draft LMP – dependent upon satisfactory resolution of any identified deficiencies and requested changes by SF.

Documents and maps

Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions about this plan, please contact:

Chris Marsh
Planning Forester
Forestry and Land Scotland
Tower Road