Into the Wildwoods
Into the Wildwoods
Using an inspirational blend of archaeological discussion and creative activities, the authors describe an ancient past that is still accessible today, rooted in an ecological understanding of place and time, and in our human response to both. A companion to The First Foresters, where we met the Neolithic pioneers, living and working within the wildwood, Into the Wildwoods uses archaeological evidence to discover the Mesolithic hunter-gatherers who came before.
Our key objective is to explore the interconnected ideas of habitats, natural resources and seasonal change, developing the Mesolithic as a classroom topic in line with Learning for Sustainability. It is aimed at teachers, youth group leaders, archaeological educators and anyone interested in our native woodlands.
Into the Wildwoods booklet (PDF)

Into the Rainforest
A companion to Into the Wildwoods (2020), Into the Rainforest explores the rainforest habitat and introduces the Atlantic Rainforest clan. We focus on individual characters and their activities, from hunting and trapping through gathering the wild harvest to cooking and preserving all that the forest provides. We aim to describe an ‘archaeoecological’ approach to learning and to explore the interconnected ideas of habitats, natural resources and seasonal change.
Into the Rainforest booklet (PDF)
The Into the Wildwoods Storyline
A supplementary Storyline has been designed to help teachers deliver a range of activities that reference and build on Into the Wildwoods. The Storyline uses several key creative activities and a range of supporting discussion points to contextualise cross-curricular learning using the Mesolithic period as a topic.
Into the Woods Storyline (PDF)
Mesolithic Map Makers resource cards (PDF)