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Ardlarach Quarry, Tain hill

Tain Rifle and Pistol Club has made an asset transfer request to purchase 5.3 hectares at Ardlarach Quarry to secure a suitable and safe venue to conduct target shooting. The Club has leased the site since 1981 and it will continue to provide a parking area, outdoor shooting range and clay target shooting area, with the Club’s buildings being used as a clubroom, indoor range, kitchen and disabled toilets. The rest of the site will continue to be used as a safety area and will not be developed in any way.

Decision Notice

Documents and maps

Have your say

Anyone may make representations about a request, and representations are published online. Public consultations on Ardlarach Quarry closed on 22 January 2021. You can see the representations received during the consultation period for the original request, and the response from Tain Rifle and Pistol Club, below: