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In the spring of 1941, Ernest Bevin, Minister for Labour and National Service, said that "One million wives were wanted for war work. Inconvenience would have to be suffered and younger women would have to go where their services were required. It would be better to suffer temporarily than to be in perpetual slavery to the nazis."

The Women’s Timber Service had been set up during the first world war, but in April 1942 the Ministry of Supply founded a new venture – the Women’s Timber Corps (WTC), in England. Scotland quickly followed in May 1942, forming its own WTC which was a part of the Women’s Land Army. This was a new unit with its own identity and uniform.

In Scotland, girls and women were recruited from the age of 17. However, some were as young as 14. They came from all kinds of backgrounds and all walks of life. Those who needed training were sent to camps such as Shandford Lodge, near Brechin, and then posted all over Scotland to wherever they were needed most.

The 'Lumberjills'

These ‘Lumberjills’, as they were affectionately known, replaced the men who had answered the call to war. They carried out the arduous tasks of felling, snedding, loading trucks and trains and milling timber all over Scotland. A large percentage of this was mining timber, used to keep Britain's engine turning during these difficult times.

The Women’s Timber Corps was disbanded in August 1946. Each girl handed back her uniform and received a letter from Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Mother, who was the patron of the WTC.

Creating a lasting memorial and 'thank you'

As the WTC was a section of the Women’s Land Army, there was no official recognition of its efforts during the war.  There was no representative at official Armistice Day Parades and no separate wreath at the Cenotaph. In fact, they had become the ‘Forgotten Corps'.

In order to provide a lasting memorial to the women of the WTC, a study was commissioned in 2006. This concluded that the most apt site for a memorial would be in the Queen Elizabeth Forest Park. The preferred location was The Lodge Forest Visitor Centre  near Aberfoyle. This was an established and popular site, with many of the facilities required for visits from existing members of the WTC.     

In December 2006 a list of potential artists was drawn up. Fife-based artist, Malcolm Robertson, was chosen to create the memorial. Robertson had previously worked on artwork within the Forest Park.

The sculpture is a life-size bronze of a member of the WTC. Visitors approach it from the back via a path. This perspective helps the visitor to see the figure is female and that she has her right hand raised to her face in what appears to be a salute.

Once you reach the front of the sculpture it becomes clear that she is looking out. Perhaps reflecting on past times, or simply looking over her work and efforts.

This picture shows Michael Russell MSP, Minister for the Environment, unveiling the Women's Timber Corps memorial on 10 October 2007.

The commissioned piece was funded through donations from:

  • Forestry Commission Scotland
  • Scottish Forestry Trust
  • Royal Scottish Forestry Society

Come and see the Lumberjill for yourself at The Lodge Forest Visitor Centre, just outside Aberfoyle.

Read Christina Forrester's story and learn what life was really like as a lumberjill.