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We're still assessing the impact of Storm Eowyn; surveying the extent of the damage takes time for our staff to complete. Please continue to check the website for updates and follow all onsite signage.

The forest lies on the north facing slopes of Beinn Ghuilean, which dominates the skyline to the south of Campbeltown on the Mull of Kintyre. The forest design plan area comprises 144 hectares rising from about 40 metres above sea level to over 300 metres at the highest point.

The forest was acquired in 1973 and planted in 1979. Sitka Spruce and Larch are the main species within the block although small areas of Pine and native broadleaves are also present. Various watercourses run through the forest and Crosshill Loch and Black Loch are located on the north and southwest boundaries. The wider local area comprises agricultural land and the local cemetery is also located adjacent to the northeastern boundary.

Due to its close location to Campbeltown, Beinn Ghuilean is also part of the Woods in and Around Towns (WIAT) initiative. This aims to provide more opportunities for more of Scotland's people to enjoy high quality countryside and associated health, education, skills and community benefits.

A Statutory Plant health Notice (SPHN) for larch infected with Phytophthora ramorum was issued by Scottish Forestry in August 2019. This led to felling of larch and the commencement of additional felling operations along the eastern side of the forest under a felling amendment to the existing Land Management Plan. A second infection was notified in September 2021 and a third infection above Knockbay was notified in January 2023.  Further infections are probable, with loss of all larch expected within a short period of time, with resultant implications for the management of the forest going forward. This will create new opportunities for the development of the forest, to be explored in consultation with the local community.  Felling of remaining conifers is proposed, with operations planned to commence in autumn 2024.

The forest is highly visible from Campbeltown and surrounding areas, with landscape design an important aspect of the new plan. Certification under the UK Woodland Assurance Scheme and compliance with the UKFS are other important objectives for FLS.

Plan objectives

  1. Timber production – commercial conifer areas
  2. Removal of all existing conifers within the next 5 years
  3. Broadleaved/Scots pine woodland establishment on lower slopes
  4. Protection of the public water supply – Crosshill Loch
  5. Recreation enhancement
  6. Landscape enhancement
  7. Development of forest health resilience against tree diseases
  8. Blanket bog/deep peat restoration
  9. Open habitat network enhancement
  10. Rhododendron control
  11. To comply with UKWAS guidance for certification and UKFS

Documents and maps


Get in touch

If you would like further information or have any questions about this plan, please contact:
