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The stone circle in Clune Wood is located on the summit of the hill, with fine views out over the southern arc. The stone circle is roughly oval and measures up to 16.5 metres in diameter. It is formed from a single recumbent stone with two flanking stones and six upright stones. A stone cairn has been built within the circle.

This is a recumbent stone circle, one of a number of distinctive megalithic monuments unique to the north east.

Recumbent stone circles

Recumbent stone circles are characterised by a setting of stones on the southern arc, where a large horizontal boulder (known as the recumbent) is framed by the two tallest stones of the circle (the flankers). The remaining stones are often carefully graded in height and the centre of the circle filled with a stone built cairn.

Viewing the moon

It is believed that the recumbent and flanking stones form a kind of false horizon or frame through which to view the rising or setting of the major standstill moon. This event happens every 18.6 years; the moon appears to move from high in the sky to low on the horizon in just two weeks. Much has been written about megalithic monuments and their rituals and recumbent stone circles are one of the few where we can actually demonstrate it. The last major standstill moon was in 2006.

Visiting Clune Wood recumbent stone circle

The exact location of Clune Wood recumbent stone circle is grid reference NO 794 949.

Clune wood is off the B9077 near Woodlands of Durris. There is a network of paths in the wood which lead to the stone circle.

All sites managed by Forestry and Land Scotland are open for you to explore. However, not all sites have paths or signage and some are a considerable distance from car parking. We recommend that visitors consult a detailed map and wear appropriate clothing.

Please follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and remember that historic sites should be treated with care and respect.